

Stefani's most-fantastical-reads book montage

Crooked Kingdom
Six of Crows
Yellow Brick War
The Wicked Will Rise
Charm & Strange
Their Fractured Light
These Broken Stars
Big Little Lies
I'll Be There
Red Queen

Stefani's favorite books »

Monday, March 1, 2010

Revisiting Resolutions...


Maintain my weight loss - I'm down to 119 pounds and still holding steady... that's almost 10 pounds less than I weighed when I got pregnant...

Workout - Oi vey... this is my stumbling block. After working all day, cooking and cleaning, entertaining Addison (and Derek), I'm left with no time or energy to work out. I've gone for a few walks in the last month when the weather has cooperated. My goal for March is to walk after work whenever the weather is okay. Instead of trying to commit to the shred (which I'm so obviously failing at) I'll try and do 50 crunches every day and 10 (yes, I'm that lame and out of shape) push ups. We'll start there. I also want to start riding this month if I can figure out some way for Addison to be warm and safe and entertained while I do...

Eat healthier - I'm doing alright here. I still have my goldfish cracker obsession to keep me going at school but realistically I eat pretty healthy. I'm anxious for local produce to come into season so we can get fresh fruit at the farm. I found out that my cholesterol is high again so I need to work on lowering that (AGAIN.).


Keep up on housework - It's been going okay. This week I came home Friday and cleaned the bedrooms, living, and dining room so Saturday I only had to do the kitchen and bathrooms, which was nice. I think I'll try doing it that way again this week. I've gotten better about picking up every night because if I don't, Addison's stuff takes over really quickly.


Maintain a zero balance on all credit cards - Done.

Contribute to my IRA each month - Done.

Save a minimum of $200 per month for emergencies - Done.

Limit my personal spending to $100 a month - I didn't do as horrible this month... I think I spent around $300 but $100 was on my haircut. I know it's still a lot but I am obsessing about it constantly and not buying a lot of the things I would normally go out and get without thinking about...


Start my ProCert and Master's program - I am enrolled at City U and will be starting in April...

Continue developing the curriculum for Language Arts - I have four unit plans done for each grade level...

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