So, at three am this morning I got a text message from the babysitter. There was serious vomiting going on at her house and she wanted to give me the chance to opt out of bring Addison to Pukesville. I texted two of the people on our "babysitter back up" list, but neither one was available. Derek has a crazy week at work this week so it was my turn to take a sick day... so I called out around 5:30 and sent in my sub plans.
Addison woke up around 8ish and we had some breakfast and realized that we were looking at, quite possibly, the one beautiful day this week. So, we loaded up the stroller, harnessed in the canine, and headed out for a walk at 9:15. We went allllll around the neighborhood, up into the new sections and ended up at the park playing on the toys. Our neighbors were there too so Addison got to play with some kids her age and feed Skyla crackers that were supposed to be for the kids. :) Around 11, we headed home and she went down for a nap while I did some yard work and got my shower. We spent the afternoon running errands in town and got home just in time to make dinner, get a bath, and head for bed...
As I was dancing her around the kitchen after lunch today I realized it has been forever since I have had a day where it was just Addison and I - no one else to steal her attention or entertain her. And I missed it. We were whirling around to
Casper Babypants (if you haven't discovered yet, you MUST) and she was hugging my neck and squealing as we danced.
It was hands down the best moment I have had in recent history.